One of the six principal organs of the United Nations, established by the UN Charter in 1945, the Economic and Social Council, as its name suggests, focuses on dealing with economic, social and environmental issues. The Council is the UN’s centre of coordination, policy review, policy dialogue, and recommendations on issues in the economic, social, cultural, educational, medicinal, environmental and all other related fields, as well as the implementation of globally agreed development goals. Ever since its establishment, it has been ceaselessly promoting respect for, and observance of, human rights and fundamental freedoms for all without distinction.

The Council consists of 54 Member States with 18 countries being elected each year by the General Assembly for overlapping three-year terms. The steps they may take to ensure sustainable development are making or initiating studies and reports on the current topics, and making suggestions to the General Assembly, the Member States, and specialized agencies.

Issues discussed in the past few years include the situation of and assistance to Palestinian women, addressing inequalities and challenges to social inclusion through fiscal, wage and social protection policies, education for justice and the rule of law in the context of sustainable development and Joint UN Programme on HIV/AIDS.

The ECOSOC is the perfect council for people who would like to share their innovative ideas and engage in thought-provoking debates in order to further advance all dimensions of sustainable development.

Issues of 2024:

Improving Accessibility of Primary Education in LEDCs

The Effect of Inflation on Low-Income Families and Individuals

(The delegates of ECOSOC participate in the General Assembly, hence they only debate on two issues.)


You can access the Issue Descriptions of each topic by clicking on the titles in blue.

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